My Story In 1996…How It All Started
I had a passion for business and a love for all things beautiful. I also had a burning desire to start my own business. But at the time, my spouse was still in grad school and my oldest son was 3. Between working to pay the bills, doing the laundry, and raising a toddler, I dreamed about a future.
In my dream, I had a beautiful company, in an amazing ever-expanding industry to keep my interest and the intrigue of others.

“Hmmm, I said. What does that look like?…Where do I begin?” I took a page from Steven Covey’s 7 Habits I had read in college and applied one of the rules…”Begin With the End.” I started to wonder, what would success look like once I achieved it? I wrote down the first thing that came to mind.
“I want to do, whatever I want to do, the moment I want to do it.”

Next, I wondered…”what industry should I work in?” I thought about my current job in pharmaceuticals and medical equipment and knew I had no passion for my current job. Every day I would dream about doing something else instead of enjoying what I was doing. I knew I had to make a change to save my dream before it was too late.

Then I thought about my passion for beautiful things, for love and relationships, family, and celebrating life. I thought about what was most important to me and the struggles I had at the time.
I wanted to be a better mom, wife, and role model. I needed to find a way to blend my passion with my work and work around my most important priorities, which were my family and the time we spend together.
“I knew I couldn’t be the only person who felt this way.”
I set out to create a company that would help others, like me, to pursue their passion and start a business in an industry that is ever-changing, beautiful, happy and provides the flexibility and fun to keep priorities first.
Fast Forward To Today

Today, Team Lovegevity’s community of Alumni graduate from over 2200 colleges and universities and span across 166 countries in over 1650 cities worldwide. Team Lovegevity graduates are in business for themselves but not by themselves. Our community continues to grow everyday with amazing, smart, creative entrepreneurs ready to build their own lifestyle brand and successful business.
YOU may be ready to make a change, too. The changes you make today will lead to your own dreams of success and what that looks like for you.

Now let’s get to work!
Life is about enjoying each day and loving your life’s journey. It’s about finding your life’s purpose and pursuing your passion. It’s about living the life you love and loving the life you live.
May you bring all the success, love, prosperity and joy to your life.
You deserve it.
– Cho Ling